To help former students of Guildford Grammar School stay connected, the Old Guildfordians Association has a comprehensive program of events and reunions including the Annual Dinner and reunions for classes celebrating their 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50-year anniversaries. Other events include a 50+ Reunion Day, young OG and business networking functions, golf days, careers expo, regional, interstate and international reunions. Special events are included on occasion and we encourage Old Guildfordians with an event idea to contact the office.
Business directory
To improve the Association's business networking value to Old Guildfordians, we encouraging our members to take up a free listing and support one another whenever business opportunities arise.
Update your details
Keep your contact details current and login to update your information. Other features for members include listing on the business directory, search capabilities to find a friend, tipping competitions, reunion photos, memorabilia and more.